Imagine you are lost in the middle of the rainforest. What do you see? Smell? Hear? What animals do you find? How do you feel?
Use your 5 senses to describe the rainforest and write a short story about what happens to you
Remember to use expanded noun phrases, fronted adverbials and interesting punctuation!
I have attached a document with the weekly spellings for this half term. Please practise these as much as you can. Year 4 have weekly spelling tests every Tuesday. This will hopefully continue next week.
Focus on practising Week1 and Week 2 spellings.
Yesterday, you should have learnt all about factor pairs! Today you can practice making factor pair rainbows at home. Use yesterday's video to help you. I will attach the worksheet below to help you.
Times Tables
It is very important that children keep practising their Times Tables from 1x up to 12x. Use TT Rockstars to practice for at least 20 minutes. Each child has their own log in.
You can access the website through the link below:
Last half term, we spent a lot of time learning about Sikhism in R.E.
Draw a picture of their place of worship, the Gurdwara, including their holy book (Guru Granth Sahib) and the Free Kitchen (Langar) and label all of your drawings.