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Year 2

Welcome to Year 2!  I am your class teacher; Mrs Sykes and along with Miss Kauser we have a fun action packed year waiting ahead of us! Since the start of term we have been busy;  out and about completing Team Building games and picking blackberries to make our own jam!  Here are a few images to talk to your families about.  

Here in Year 2 our PE days are Tuesday and Thursday and we exchange library books and have a spelling test on a Monday. 


Our learning this half term:

Maths; we will focus on place value.  Knowing the value of a number by the tens and ones will help us to complete questions of comparison, ordering, pattern making.  

Power of Reading: our book will be 'How To Find Gold' by Viviane Schwarz.  2 characters embark on a tale of adventure; meeting see monsters and finding gold.  

Science; we are learning about different materials and their properties.  We will learn words like 'transparent, rigid, flexible, opaque, absorbent and translucent.

History; we are going back in time to 1066 where The Great Fire of London wrecked our capital city.  We will learn all about historical artefacts and facts related to the fire and how this has since helped with fire prevention.

PSHE; we are learning about the importance of families and relationships and how everyone is different. 

Art; in these lessons we will look at different effects that can be made through using pencil and charcoal, we will be influenced by the work of Quentin Blake, who illustrated for Roald Dahl.

DT; we will make a moving monster from studying levers and linkages.

Computing; Bloggers - yes, will will be looking at people who use the internet through images, text, audio and video to get their message across.  


In our computing lessons we are earning about Blogging, and Mrs Sykes and Miss Kauser want to know what the children think of being in Year 2. 

What do you think they will say?

Rayyan 'I like the reading corner and all of the lessons. '

Aleeza ' I like it when it is PE.'

Zuzanna 'I like the books, I can't wait to do TT Rockstars.'

Annam 'I am sad because I don't get to see the other teachers'

Ahmed 'I like the globe, I like it when we do geography!'

Abbas 'I feel grown up when I do maths in year 2.'

Here are some useful websites for Year 2

Please make sure that you are learning your 2, 5 and 10 times tables and that you know their related division facts.

tt rockstars

Welcome to the class of 2023-24.

In our first week you can see that we completed some team building skills.  Here the class had to move around and listen to instructions and then with team mates complete the set challenges. 

Here are some of the images of our team building exercises that we enjoyed.

Look at who came in to see us read in our first week!

In our PSHE we discussed the difference between a Surprise and a Secret!

We decided that surprises are a good thing and we how we feel excited and happy, secrets on the other hand mean that someone may get hurt and are not  a good idea!

In science we asked 'Where does our food come from?'

We tried avocados from the Dominican Republic, Italian tomatoes, lychees from Madagascar, cherries from Chile, baby cucumber from Morocco and blueberries from Peru!

TT Rock Stars Leader Board

Year 2's Top 5 TT Players

1. Eesa

2. Huzaifah S

3. Benedi

4. Haadiya H

5. Hafsah

Keep it up - well done!

Wow - Happy New Year!

 This half term we will be continuing with our Read, Write Inc and Power of Reading text (I'd tell you what it is, but I don't want you to read it before we do as a class)!  In our maths we will be finishing off our shape work before starting with our MONEY topic - for money you need all of your mathematical skills; adding, place value, X 2, 5 and 10, finding the difference!!!

Our afternoons will be busy looking at plants in science, the weather in Geography and how to keep safe in PSHE.  Later on in the term we will be discovering what makes a great sandwich and then making our own and evaluating it (eating it)!!! Plus in between we will be creative with art and music - all sing and dancing!!


Welcome to Year 2.  It's always busy, busy, busy -  whether it's Marvelous Monday, Terrific Tuesday, Wonderful Wednesday, Thumping Thursday or Happy Friday!

We have got the 2022 -23 year off to a fabulous start.  All the children have shown great attitudes to taking risks and working together to get the most out of their learning.  

The Year 2 team consists of me; Mrs Sykes, and  Mrs Hussain, Mrs Shergill.  We promote a love of learning around curiosity and a 'give it a go' attitude.  We're all on this journey together, working as a team and appreciating everyone's differences. We're always here, so please don't hesitate to come by and say 'Hi' and ask us what we're up to!  If you're lucky it could be a day when Eric's in class!

As part of the pupils' Computing work on Blogging; they have added their opinions on their new chapter of 'LIfe in Year 2'.


'I like Mrs Sykes' maths lessons, they're fun!'  - M'Danish


'I want to do really hard maths in Year 2.'  Hassan


'I like all the teachers because they are kind and I love Eric because he is soft. ' Maryam


'I like my teachers because they teach the best phonic lessons.' Essa


'I like to learn about materials in our science lessons' Tawheed


'I love my teachers because they show me respect.' Fatima


'I like my teachers and the classroom because it's nice and tidy.' Haadiya



Here we are in our first week making blackberry jam. It was delicious!

Eric's ready to learn; are you?

Year 2 working out what to say when we feel left out! (PSHE)

Year 2 learning how to play dominoes - demonstrating how to be a great friend! PSHE

We went for a walk to find the plants growing around school! (Science)

Cards to show friends that we appreciate their friendship! (PSHE)

Y2 learning about algorithms by composing dance routines! (Computing)

tt rockstars

Welcome to Half Term 2

This half term we are learning about Who Built Bradford!

Do you recognise any of these Bradford landmarks?

Wow, what an amazing start we have had to the 2019-2020.  I am overly impressed with the new cohort; they're 2 of my favourite things; HAPPY and CONFIDENT!

Here we are collecting our blackberries for our jam.

What a beautiful day for spotting deciduous and evergreen trees!

Outdoor learning day

The pupils spent their maths lesson up in the wildlife area looking for the sum which matched their given answer - they thoroughly enjoyed a different way of learning!

Year 2 visited the Bradford Industrial Museum, the children loved looking at the different modes of transport from over the past 100 years ago.  They especially found it interesting that the car makers; the Jowett Brothers lived on Kensington Street!
This half term we are going back in time to the First World War.  We started our topic off by making poppies as an act of rememberence for all those gave thier lives.

As part of our Creative Curriculum topic; Me and Where I Live', we have been looking at ways to keep ourselves fit and healthy.  We've discussed diet, exercise, hygiene and sleep. We had a mini olympics to see who is Super fit and Healthy.  Click on the link below to find out who are SUPER HUMAN PUPILS are:

Welcome to Year 2.  I think that my new class are Amazing!  I know that we're in for an amazing year, so fasten your seatbelts and get ready to enjoy our journey together!

It's the final half term!

Wow, where has the year gone?  The children have worked so hard and hopefully along the way they've picked up some happy memories.  I say it every year, but I don't want to let these guys go.  Can I go up to Year 3 with them please?

This term will see us visit Scarborough as part of our Seaside and Pirates topic.  We're reading a great story called 'Stanley's Stick'.  Stanley too visits the seaside, but he never goes anywhere without his stick.  He uses his imagination to turn his stick into absolutely anything. Here are some pictures of us with our sticks.  Can you guess what we are pretending they are?

Happy New Year.

Welcome back, I hope that everyone has had a peaceful and fun Christmas break.  This term we will be a busy one with visits to The Alhambra Theater and The Royal Armouries to support our learning with our topic of 'The Magical Kingdom - Vicious Villans. Plus we are holding an after school movie club where the children will be able to extend their understanding of that period of time as well as what makes a good 'baddy.'

New Year = A New Class + A New Start 

Well we're into October and and the New Year 2s feel as if they've always been in Year 2.  They've settled down quickly and are busy getting to grips with the routines and the curriculum.  This half term we are looking at ourselves and where we live.  Here is a little taster of what has been going on!

In school we have loved looking at places we recognise on google earth.  After looking at our school, in teams we made a plan of all of the different rooms here in school!  Here are some of our maps.

On the 20th of September we walked to Cartwright Hall in Manningham Parkl to take part in a Lowry art workshop!  Here are just a few pictures from our day.

In the late summer sun we picked blackberries so we could make our own jam.

Year 2 Celebrating the end of Key Stage SATs.

Year 2's visit to The Royal Armouries in Leeds. Check out our knights in shining armour!

Wow! Didn't we have a wonderful time watching the Pantomime at the Alhambra! Can you spot yourself?

Happy New Year and welcome back.  Hope that everyone has had a peaceful break and are ready for the challenges and fun planned for Half Term 3.

This term we are looking at 'The Magical Kingdom' this entails fairy tales in English and Knights and Lords in our Creative Curriculum lessons.  This term we shall pay The Royal Armouries in Leeds a visit; as well as my most favourite afternoon of the year; The Pantomime at The Alhambra in Bradford to see Peter Pan.

Here are just a few images from our visit to the mosque.

Welcome back after half term.


This half term we will be looking at the event of World War 1.  We will enjoy the story of 'Where The Poppies Now Grow' by Hilary Robinson, this is a story about the friendship of 2 boys who grow up to fight from the trenches of WW1.  

In maths we will be continuing with addition and subtraction and how this helps us with measures; so around the home look at how we measure drinks, food, fabric cleaning products.  We will be visiting a mosque to help us understand the similarities and differences of places of worship.

Here are some pictures form our visit to St Philip's Church.

Here are some pictures from our blackberry jam making experience!  Follow the link below if you want to make some of your own.


September 2016.

Mrs Sykes is looking forward to showing off the children's work to friends and family!

April 2016

Welcome aboard to year 2.  This term we will be learning about pirates; real and made up ones!  In class we will be reading and writing Pirate adventure stories, and once we know what trickery they got up to we will learn all about real life pirates!  We have a pirate cove in the classroom where we can secretly plot our attacks and hid our hoards of treasure.  At the end of the term we will celebrate life as a pirate by joining reception class for a treasure hunt!  

Welcome back to half term 3, I hope everyone had a great fortnight's holiday!  Well, it's all go with our Fairy Taled themed term.  In the first week we are taking a visit to the Royal Armouries in Leeds to learn more about castles, knights and the way of life back in the middle ages.  In week 2 we have a visiting Pantomime who will be performing the Fairy Tale of Aladdin to us.  During the rest of our learning time we will be discovering everything there is to know about the goodies and the baddies of our much loved tales.  Plus there will be a movie cub on a Friday night after school to watch, discuss and act out our favourite characters.  Who is your favourite fairy tale character?

The Nativity which accompanied our Carol Concert at St Philip's church

Welcome Back to Half Term 2!  I hope you've had a fantastic half term break, and that you're ready for our next half term of hard work.

This half term we are travelling back in time to the first world war- 100 years ago!  We will learn what life was like both on the front line and back at home, and how things had to change. 

During our maths we will becoming more efficient at the formal operations of add, take away, times and divide, and we will apply these to problems which will reinforce our shape and handling data skills. 

Welcome back to our new school year.  I hope you all had an amazing summer!

This term we are learning all about the local area.  What type of houses and shops there are close by.  What other facilities do we know of in our area? How do people get around?  What other locations are near by?  We will be spending time with hands on experiences by walking around and using our art of noticing skills.   In class we will be paying closer attention to our presentation of our work both orally and in writing.

How good at number are you?  This first term we will spend counting, ordering, sequencing, adding numbers not only up to 100, but for those of you who love a challenge 1000!

Where the Poppies Now Grow

Year 2's visit to the Gurdwara

Our visit to St Philip's Church

Handling Data: the children made human graphs!

Cartwright Hall - A Squash & a Squeeze exhibition
