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Homework Expectations

Homework is an effective means of supporting each child's learning, and of involving parents in school activities. This page sets out what you should expect your child to bring home, and explains how you could help.


Talk Homework

  • Each week in Collective Worship we will introduce a 'Thought of the Week' delivered through our Picture News resources.  Children will then be sent home with a prompt for Talk Homework - this is so that as a family you can all talk about and give your opinions on the topic of the week.


Foundation Stage

  • Homework in the Foundation Stage covers reading practice, learning sight vocabulary, phonics, spellings, number bonds and handwriting practice.


Key Stage 1 and 2

  • Teachers may set homework projects linked to their current or upcoming topics with a selection of challenges for your child to choose from.

  • Your child is expected to take a reading book home each evening and read to an adult / carer.

  • Homework may include reading, writing, maths and spelling. 
  • Homework can also include work to finish and research.  

  • If your child is experiencing difficulties with their homework, he/she should inform their teacher. 

  • Children who are absent from school through extended illness will be given suitable work.

How you can help

  • Staff are available to talk to at the classroom door each morning and after school - ask them if you need any support with your child's homework.

  • Be positive in your comments. Value effort, and appreciate that mistakes are a learning opportunity.

  • Avoid the temptation to complete your child's homework. If there are difficulties, it is important that the teacher knows so that teaching can be modified.

  • Read to and with your child.

  • Visit places of interest and engage in conversation.

  • Do practical measuring, counting and estimation tasks at home, such as when cooking or mending.

  • Ask your child about what the Collective Worship Thought of the Week is and complete the Talk Homework together.






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