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Year 6

Hello there and welcome to Year Six.


Our class consists of:

* 30 wonderful pupils

* one teacher - Mrs Mackenzie-Hollies

* one cover supervisor - Mrs Ahmed


Year Six Class Motto - SLAY ALL DAY



Year Six School Councillors

J.A - "I am nice and helpful with a kind heart."


I.J - "I am kind, helpful, smart and funny."


  • The school day starts promptly in class at 8.30 am. Please use the soft start from 8.20 am to ensure your child is on time. If your child is late to school, please bring them to the school office to sign them in.
  • If children bring in a snack to school - it must be healthy. 
  • Please make sure all belongings are labelled.
  • Homework will be given out on a Friday and collected in on a Monday
  • Year 6 have a library book changing slot on a Wednesday afternoon. Normal reading books can be changed any day.
  • PE days - Wednesday morning and Thursday afternoon.

Autumn Term 1 - what your child will be learning


English - Rooftoppers - a book all about excitement and adventures


Maths - place value and what numbers are worth


History - The Ancient Greeks


Music - World War II Music


Art and Design - Mayan Art


PSHE - Families and relationships


RE - Cosmology


Design Technology - Food and cooking


Science - Humans and animals


Computing - iProgram 1



Autumn Term 2 - what your child will be learning


English - The Adventures Of Odysseus - wonderful Greek mythology stories


Maths - Fractions


History - The Ancient Greeks


Music - Theme and variation


PSHE - Health and Wellbeing


RE - Sikhism


Science - Electricity - buzz buzz


Computing - iNetwork


Spring Term 1 - what your child will be learning


English - The Suffragettes - women fight for equality 


Maths - Ratio, Algebra and Decimals


Geography - Orangutans


Music - Baroque


Art and Design - Photographic Art


PSHE - Safety


RE - God - Christianity 


Design Technology - Steady Hand Game


Science - Habitats


Computing - iData

Come and have a look at what Year Six have been getting up to...


See below...



JOURNEY TO JO'BURG - Beverley Naidoo


This is the story of love, commitment and the flowering of the human spirit against the background of South Africa's apartheid. Frightened that their baby sister Dineo will die, thirteen-year-old Naledi and her younger brother Tiro run away from their grandmother to Johannesburg to find their mother, who works there as a maid. Their journey illustrates at every turn the grim realities of apartheid -- the pass laws, racism and the breakdown of family life. 




A wonderful selection of poems that give inspiration and positive words about the world we live in. My favourite poem from the book is called, 'The Minister for exams'. It made me laugh out loud!



Suffragettes - Battle for equality - David Roberts

Ever wondered how women got the right to vote? Ever wondered at what lengths these women went to? Well you're in for a treat - read this book to learn about an important chapter of History...



