Vision Statement
Fostering curiosity and a love of learning is at the heart of our teaching. Broadening
horizons enables all children to flourish and be fulfilled. Successes are celebrated and failure learned from, allowing us to shine through challenges. Together, we develop qualities of character necessary to be positive future citizens.
Our Shared Values
At St Philip’s Primary Academy, we pride ourselves on developing a positive ethos built on the foundations of the Christian faith, whilst taking into consideration that most of our pupils, staff and community follow the faith of Islam; our doors are open to people of all faiths and those who do not follow a faith.
We endeavour to ensure we are always ‘Working together with hope in our hearts’
This ethos is based on the following values that, as stakeholders, we all aim to uphold: NOAH'S ARK:
We demonstrate kindness and caring towards each other so that we can find happiness and fulfilment. We promote and support children’s wellbeing to support their growth and development.
We believe that having a positive attitude towards situations enables us to be forward thinking and supports us in our goal of providing a good and better education for all of our pupils.
We have high aspirations for the futures of the children in our Academy. Through a high-quality curriculum and planning of lessons that are specifically tailored for our pupils, they will have the opportunity to achieve and surpass their potential.
Value 4: HOPEFUL
The value of hope is interwoven into our teaching and is and is an expression of our faith. Hope supports our spirituality, and through that, virtues such as forgiveness, empathy and compassion come to the fore.
Value 5: SINCERE
We are united as a whole to ensure integrity, honesty and trust are maintained. This quality within our academy means that we follow our values to ensure that we always do our best for pupils, staff and community.
Value 6: ASSURED
Our goal is to see our pupils confident, armed with independence and conviction, echoing 'Let your light shine' - Matthew 5:16
All members of our academy, including pupils, staff, governors, visitors and the wider community, should be treated with respect. We hold politeness in high regard and we are accepting of each individual’s uniqueness.
By fostering resilience, collaboration and risk-taking, we craft an environment where pupils are ready to be lifelong learners.