1) It is very important that children keep practising their Times Tables from 1x up to 12x. Use TT Rockstars to practice for at least 20 minutes. Each child has their own log in.
You can access the website through the link below:
2) When we return we will be learning all about Factor Pairs! Watch the video below and make notes. Try to answer the questions as you go along!
This half term we will be starting a new book called Libba by Laura Veirs. It is all about a person called Elizabeth Cotten and her musical life.
Research Elizabeth Cotten and create a poster or list of facts all about Elizabeth Cotten!
We will share our ideas with the rest of the class tomorrow.
I have attached a document with the weekly spellings for this half term. Please practise these as much as you can. Year 4 have weekly spelling tests every Tuesday. This will hopefully continue next week.
Focus on practising Week1 and Week 2 spellings.
We have been learning all about the Anglo Saxons and the Viking Invasion of Britain.
Draw a picture of a Viking or Anglo Saxon and write a paragraph about what they did in the past. How did they live? What did they wear? What do they look like?
You can use the sheet below to help you with your writing.