I can imagine it has been in incredibly long, cold week without school to keep you busy. We know it must have been very exciting with all of the lovely snowy activities you may have been busy with!
Today, I would like you to describe your extra week at home. What did you do instead of go to school? I would like to hear about what you did, every single day... you can make it up if you like! BUT make sure you use your time openers!!! Remember capital letters and full stops too! I cannot wait to read these :)
1) Have a go at some of these Winter Maths games to revise our Autumn Learning!
Make sure you make notes!
I will attach the link below:
In PSHE we have been focusing on our health and wellbeing, especially mental health and mindfulness.
Spend some time today relaxing your mind and focus on your own wellbeing. Do something that you love, that will make you feel better. You can spend some time colouring, dancing, singing, meditating, going for a peaceful walk in the garden, or even spend time with family. It is your decision...
Times Tables
It is very important that children keep practising their Times Tables from 1x up to 12x. Use TT Rockstars to practice for at least 20 minutes. Each child has their own log in.
You can access the website through the link below:
I have attached a document with the weekly spellings for this half term. Please practise these as much as you can. Year 4 have weekly spelling tests every Tuesday. This will hopefully continue next week.
Focus on practising Week1 and Week 2 spellings.