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Remote Learning 9.01.25

Good Morning, I hope everyone is keeping safe this week! 



Today you are going to practise using inverted commas "      " for direct speech. You may know these as speech marks.

Follow the link below to watch the video and complete the tasks. 


Inverted Commas Task

How to use inverted commas - BBC Bitesize


Once you have completed this, complete the task below. You will have to convert normal sentences into the correct direct speech, using inverted commas. 



I have attached a document with the weekly spellings for this half term. Please practise these as much as you can. Year 4 have weekly spelling tests every Tuesday. This will hopefully continue next week. 


Focus on practising Week1 and Week 2 spellings.



Have a go at some of these Winter Maths games to revise our Autumn Learning! 

Make sure you make notes!



Our new science topic is all about ELECTRICITY!


What is electricity? - BBC Bitesize


Spend some time researching all about electricity on the internet, then create a poster with all of your lovely facts and drawings. We will be displaying these on our Science display.  

Times Tables


It is very important that children keep practising their Times Tables from 1x up to 12x. Use TT Rockstars to practice for at least 20 minutes. Each child has their own log in.


You can access the website through the link below:


You can also continue completing the worksheets on Factor Pairs from the previous few days. Practice making Factor Pair Rainbows at home.
