Dear Parents, Carers and Pupils
As you will be aware, this week your school reopened to further students based on the Government’s direction to encourage more children back into school from certain year groups. We wanted to let you know that the week has gone really well, and we will continue to evaluate the children we can safely accommodate over the next few weeks, based on any new Government safety advice.
For those of you who have sent your children back to school, I hope that you have had positive feedback from your child about their experiences. Staff are working really hard to make sure school is a meaningful and fun learning opportunity, whilst maintaining social distancing as much as possible and following stringent hygiene processes. Please do let us have any feedback or positive messages, as we would love to be able to share them with other parents who are eligible for places, but have not yet quite felt comfortable to send their children back to school.
If you are a parent who is still not sure about sending your child back, we completely respect that this is your decision and we are not looking to push you to change your mind. However, the offer remains, that should you wish to have another exploratory conversation about what it would mean to return to school, or you would like to confirm your child’s attendance at school and book a place, please contact ………………….
We hope that you all remain safe and well and school remains open should you need us.